visit my personal blog too!


Thursday, October 14, 2010


hell yeah i loveeee VW Beetle!
the curve, the round figure and such.
Every time I saw one on the street, they make me smile and scream : "awww VW!!!"
they bring the joy to the street!
the new one definitely nicer but still the vintage one still the one who caught my heart :)

wow it's been so loooong since i post anything here. well actually anything anywhere except twitter. notice how empty my deviant page, and bigbadbey.bloJustify

blame my collage! one thing that i feel bad about being design's student is how many assignment i need to do. it makes me lost all the useless time i could use to making useless things i usually post here. but more than that? all the thing i've been though are useful and fun. i never really enjoy study until now :)\\

i'll probably upload some of my ASSignment later.

made with adobe illustrator. one of the useful things i've been studied.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

SuiSor wallpaper


hell yeah! it's Suicide Sorrow wallpaper!

jadi berawal dari Twitter, vokalisnya si Usop, yang adalah kakak kelas gue di SMA minta dibikinin wallpaper buat bandnya yang ngeScream2 gitu (bukan musik gue banget).

spesial requestnya adalah supaya gue membuat mukanya jadi Zombie (doi berasa kurang serem kali ya).

setelah pertapaan beberapa minggu, nyari2 referensi (nonton Zombieland, Nightmare on the Elm street, browsing) akhirnya jadi jugalah hasilnya begini.

Facebook Mock up

i just saw The Social Network 's trailer and have the urge to make this. definitely gonna watch the movie!

Thursday, September 2, 2010


yang di atas itu pake pulpen 3 warna. tau kan? yang ijo-merah-biru-item? itu lagi jadi alat gambar favorit gue :DD

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


ini udah lama banget selesainya sih tapi kok gue berasa ada yang kurang mulu makannya nggak gue scan2. tapi dari pada ngejogrok di sketch book doang akhirnya gue scan juga.

on DA: [Link]

Joachim Low

gotta admit it, i have a crush on him XD ganteng euy babe-babe satu ini! bukan.. bukan ganteng. imuuut!! gue yang ga terlalu suka bola aja jadi bangun tiap malem buat ngeliatin dia tiap Jerman main piala dunia 2010 kemaren.

On DA: [Link]

Monday, August 30, 2010

kelly clarkson

ii....iit's kelly clarkson! it's feels like forever when i was doing this piece, in fact it's done in 3 hours :DD

mau gue print gede terus bikin poster buat dikamar hahahaha

link to dev. page: {Link}

Friday, July 16, 2010

Smile Campaign

hey hey hey
gue tiba-tiba dalam mood untuk membuat sebuah.. emm apa ya? kampanye sosial bukan, budaya juga bukan. mari kita sebut kampanye kebahagiaan :D

jadi begini, tau ga kalian semua, wahai pembaca blog gue siapapun anda disebrang layar ini, saat kita tersenyum, tubuh kita memproduksi hormon yang membuat kita bahagia?

dan gue rasa kita semua tau betapa menyenangkannya melihat senyum seseorang sehingga itu bisa membuat kita balas tersenyum. entah apakah itu senyum orang tua kita, saudara, pacar, gebetan, bahkan senyum orang asing bisa bikin kita balas tersenyum.

senyum itu bisa menolong loh. berapa banyak kasus orang yang batal bunuh diri hanya karna hal kecil macam senyum? banyak banget.

so i made this design:

nah rencana gue adalah membuat ini entah menjadi sticker atau pin, dan membagikannya cuma-cuma. pertama ke temen2 gue, nanti mereka bagiin lagi. tentunya NANTI kalo gue punya duit, haha!

if YOU want to a part of this, you could ask me for the bigger size of image and print it yourself.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Break Free

can I categorized this one as typography please? *puppy eyes*

tried to use both Illustrator and photoshop.

do not use without my permission. if you want to use this, ask me. yeah right, siapa juga yang mau make!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


hello viewers! good day today for me. I got my tweet Retweeted by my favorite singer of all time, Kelly Clarkson in the afternoon and no, I can't stop bragging about it, read my complete story here [link] before I turn this site to another personal blog :D

and in the morning, I do some digital painting that absolutely looks cool (at least for me).

this is it! delicious painting, sexy me. haha!

Doubt by ~bebygetyourway on deviantART

yes. I love japanese style of wave. it's soo fun to do! try it!

make the red sky for balancing the blue wave. I've read someone in DA said that it's important to balance the color. did I do it well?

I called this piece Doubt. because it's swinging like wave in the sea, with nothing to hold on to. and that's my friend, where doubt came from.


Sunday, May 30, 2010

missing you

I miss the moment when all I have to do is call your name and I can hear your voice.
I miss the moment when
All I have to do is reach out and I can feel the warmth of your skin against mine.

I miss the moment when I stare at your eyes and see myself there.

I miss the moment when I made a lame jokes and I can hear you laugh.

Yes, I miss you.

Your voice,
your warmth,
your eyes,
your laugh.


did you miss mine?

it's not about someone, it's about my lost iPod :'( no, kidding. the poem has been done several weeks before and now that I lost my iPod, this describe my feeling X(

I've just done the Illustration tonight. yeah at 1.22. tried to draw loneliness, I tried my best to made his eyes looked died. epicly fail. I know.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Shoes's Dream

to remind us that there's nothing such as impossible dream. If you could dream it you could reach it!

200 Page Views, Yay!

you all sweet, really. despite having only 7 post, you all hit me just fine by giving those 200 page view. HIT ME MOORE HIT ME MOOORE you know I'm a masochist now.

so to express my gratitude, I will Gave you some wallpaper! it's 1280X800 pixel wide. with my face on it! feel free to use it! seriously, use it guys viruses fear me! mwahahahaha!

photo taken in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII), more accurately in Istana Anak-Anak. go there guys, a lot of interesting things for photographic hunting. Photo taken by Asa, photoshoped with some random downloaded action by me.

wanna look other picture of me and my friend there? just click here: [link] oh don't fear that. it just Anto :D

Thursday, May 20, 2010

My first Roll!

halo semua! setelah mesen kamera Yellow Peace Wide Lens (FYI: gue pesen disini: [link]) yang setelah ditunggu dua hari, datanglah dia! my Yellow darling:

(above) My Yellow darling. unyu unyu :3

daaan hari ini gue baru mencuci Roll pertama yang gue habiskaaan!! ayoo kita lihat!

photo session pertama, judulnya :

Bermain di Rumah Sendirian Saat Bosan Liburan
panjang yee judulnya.. -.-

yang ini pas ke Everest (baca: Puncak)

Ruby's Driver's view

no, I'm not taking picture while driving.

and the last is my favorite one, my ultra-super-duper-hyper cute lil sisy:

@cimori, Nana naik sapi

sebenarnya ada lima belas foto yang selamat bisa di cetak (yeap 15 dari 36) dan inilah 10 ups 9 yang menurut gue pantas nampang hahaha

Friday, April 23, 2010


berlatih melemaskan jari2 setelah lama vakum menggambar

Waiting by ~bebygetyourway on deviantART

mencoba beberapa pewarnaan baru dan merubah wajah dari gambar yang biasa. belum terlalu terbiasa tapi akan mempertahankan yang begini.

feel free to visit my DA account, nothing worth to see thought..

Monday, April 12, 2010

H for Hippo

my sister is going to be married this November. and can't wait to have a nephew! well the thing is, there's some possibility that my sis going to move with her soon-to-be husband 'cause of his job.

so I make some.. I dunno, could I said this as a poster? well it would be so cool if my sister let it hang in my not-here-yet nephew.

why hippo?

because my sis love it! she's going to married on november, yet her bed is full of Hippo dolls. geez. and red because she love that color most.

I made this on Adobe Illustrator, I'm trying to move to vector here, still clueless bout some of the fiture, though.

Friday, April 9, 2010

presentasi horor-cute?

hari ini tiba-tiba saya ingat pada tugas-tugas jaman baehela, waktu masih di galas. Tugas nya adalah untuk bikin karton presentasi untuk pelajaran Fisika. so, I tweet my old classmate (feel so old to say it) and ask her if she still keep it. and surprise, surprise. she is!
karena waktu itu udah mau Halloween, jadi gue mencoba membuat sesuatu yang Haloween-ish, and my group is okay with that. mencoba membuat hantu-hantu imut tuh.

si mumi

si Dracula

ini ceritanya sih penyihir

my fave one, Mr. Frankestein who got bored

dan jangan bertanya tentang apa yang tertulis disana. ga inget sama sekali -.- in fact, I didn't wrote anything, my group did.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Ala Soda

masih seputar sekolah. ini design kaos kelas. warna abu-abu, soon will be posting the final product. YAY for my 2nd T-shirt design (that actually get real)

ALA SODA (dua belas sosial dua 2010)
It's so special to be social

I love my classmate. they are so special, each of them. I used to look down to some one who I didn't consider special, but they change my view by showing how every person have their own speciality.

to the design. the idea is about a bottle's cap. with ALA SODA written on it. why cap? because our class name sounds like some soda drinks brand. and the bubble around is to give the 'soda' feeling and also give some more proportion. I want to keep it simple so that's why it's just coloured black.

Do Hazardas Icon

berhubung saya lulus SMA tahun ini, iseng-iseng mau bikin stiker angkatan. iseng-iseng pula saya bikin designnya. tapi saya nggak iseng-iseng loh cinta sama angkatan saya.

pada angkatan terdahulu di sekolah saya yang kebetulan adalah SMAN 21, biasanya ada 'kesenjangan' antara IPA dan IPS, tapi di tahun saya biasa aja tuh. We're all getting along just fine.

back to the Design. rada terinspirasi dari cover albumnya (dan isinya juga) Forever The Sickest Kids yang Underdog Alma Mater. stickernya sih cuma yang tengah itu. yang akan dipakai kayaknya versi simple yang Plain Grey, but I like this version much more.


hey! it's a blog for thing I design. shorta like portofolio for my art, guess?