I miss the moment when all I have to do is call your name and I can hear your voice.
I miss the moment when
All I have to do is reach out and I can feel the warmth of your skin against mine.
I miss the moment when I stare at your eyes and see myself there.
I miss the moment when I made a lame jokes and I can hear you laugh.
Yes, I miss you.
Your voice,
your warmth,
your eyes,
your laugh.
did you miss mine?

it's not about someone, it's about my lost iPod :'( no, kidding. the poem has been done several weeks before and now that I lost my iPod, this describe my feeling X(
I've just done the Illustration tonight. yeah at 1.22. tried to draw loneliness, I tried my best to made his eyes looked died. epicly fail. I know.